Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries
FIPS | State or other jurisdiction |
Governor | Lieutenant governor (a-1) |
Secretary of state (a-2) |
Attorney general (a-3) |
Treasurer (a-4) |
Adjutant general (a-5) |
Administration (a-6) |
Agriculture (a-7) |
Auditor (a-8) |
Banking (a-9) |
Budget (a-10) |
Civil rights (a-11) |
Commerce (a-12) |
Community affairs (a-13) |
Comptroller (a-14) |
Consumer affairs (a-15) |
Corrections (a-16) |
Economic development (a-17) |
Education (a-18) |
Election administration (a-19) |
Emergency management (a-20) |
Employment services (a-21) |
Energy (a-22) |
Environmental protection (a-23) |
Finance (a-24) |
Fish & wildlife (a-25) |
General services (a-26) |
Health (a-27) |
Higher education (a-28) |
Highways (a-29) |
Information systems (a-30) |
Insurance (a-31) |
Labor (a-32) |
Licensing (a-33) |
Mental health & developmental disabilities (a-34) |
Natural resources (a-35) |
Parks & recreation (a-36) |
Personnel (a-37) |
Planning (a-38) |
Post audit (a-39) |
Pre-audit (a-40) |
Public library development (a-41) |
Public utility regulation (a-42) |
Purchasing (a-43) |
Revenue (a-44) |
Social services (a-45) |
Solid waste management (a-46) |
State police (a-47) |
Tourism (a-48) |
Transportation (a-49) |
Welfare (a-50) |
01 | Alabama | 131,800 | 71,924 | 67,296 | 201,444 | 92,906 | 158,614 | 246,815 | 103,348 | 93,606 | 195,350 | 159,920 | 154,842 | 191,120 | 207,363 | 174,504 | (a-3) | 194,910 | (a-13) | 299,900 | (a-2) | 161,060 | 185,866 | (a-13) | 190,602 | 228,019 | 189,610 | 82,266 | 307,778 | 331,326 | (a-49) | 186,066 | 161,160 | (a-21) | (a-33) | 186,266 | (a-25) | (a-25) | 242,979 | (a-12) | 253,706 | (a-14) | 143,169 | 114,639 | (a-24) | 189,610 | 227,870 | (a-23) | 117,048 | 151,968 | 230,460 | (a-45) |
02 | Alaska | 145,000 | 114,991 | (a-1) | 169,708 | 219,996 | 141,160 | 141,160 | 124,449 | 213,886 | 137,650 | 181,915 | 185,737 | 141,160 | (a-12) | N/A | (a-12) | 141,160 | (a-12) | 159,432 | 156,448 | 146,737 | 131,581 | 262,499 | 141,160 | 154,069 | 141,160 | (a-43) | 141,160 | 351,023 | 129,129 | 196,150 | 146,737 | 141,160 | 154,069 | 133,322 | 141,160 | 129,129 | 154,069 | N.O. | (a-8) | N.O. | 126,145 | 135,583 | 187,999 | 141,160 | (a-27) | 151,515 | 141,160 | 146,757 | 141,160 | 126,145 |
04 | Arizona | 95,000 | (a-2) | 70,000 | 90,000 | 70,000 | 154,000 | 223,000 | 185,000 | 186,000 | N.O. | 180,000 | 147,101 | 280,000 | N.O. | 154,000 | 147,101 | 240,000 | (a-12) | 85,000 | 170,000 | 148,500 | 155,925 | N/A | 224,000 | (a-14) | 186,560 | 154,000 | 174,240 | 147,000 | 186,013 | 203,500 | 158,000 | 165,000 | N.O. | 138,672 | 210,000 | 187,000 | 181,500 | (a-10) | N.O. | (a-14) | 75,294 | 79,500 | 168,300 | 187,000 | 236,500 | 155,211 | 250,000 | 205,000 | 215,000 | (a-45) |
05 | Arkansas | 158,739 | 46,705 | 101,323 | 146,355 | 95,694 | 192,000 | 163,805 | 167,096 | 95,694 | 166,429 | N/A | N.O. | 225,000 | N.O. | 150,703 | N.O. | 210,000 | (a-12) | 250,000 | 81,683 | 147,200 | 167,000 | 167,096 | (a-22) | 191,885 | 145,706 | 157,100 | 191,809 | 201,700 | (a-49) | 181,406 | 158,400 | 171,127 | (a-32) | 154,312 | 127,575 | N/A | 150,002 | N.O. | 201,700 | N.O. | 122,710 | 150,000 | 150,000 | 160,440 | 225,000 | (a-22) | 185,000 | N/A | 243,490 | (a-45) |
06 | California | 224,020 | 168,015 | 168,015 | 194,587 | 179,215 | 204,199 | N.O. | 232,858 | 232,858 | 211,968 | (a-24) | N.O. | N.O. | 176,296 | 179,215 | 211,968 | 290,556 | N.O. | 194,587 | 168,432 | 232,858 | 219,637 | 175,880 | 232,858 | 232,858 | 209,729 | 211,968 | (c) | 411,252 | (a-49) | 211,967 | 179,215 | 232,858 | 199,742 | (c) | 232,858 | 199,742 | 219,637 | N.O. | N.O. | (a-14) | N.O. | 234,689 | (a-26) | 228,280 | 230,535 | 199,742 | 315,348 | N.O. | 214,332 | N.O. |
08 | Colorado | 90,000 | 164,009 | 102,000 | 118,000 | 93,360 | 175,056 | 189,000 | 177,852 | 188,808 | 152,148 | 207,900 | 126,959 | N.O. | 207,900 | 169,428 | 198,000 | 185,772 | 159,684 | 300,684 | 158,086 | 181,764 | 151,949 | 207,900 | 114,057 | 159,912 | 175,800 | 128,000 | N.O. | 207,900 | 165,744 | 207,900 | 175,960 | 207,900 | 165,315 | 174,816 | 207,900 | 160,848 | 169,956 | 163,800 | (a-8) | (a-14) | 162,084 | 153,966 | 139,020 | 189,372 | 207,900 | 165,315 | 108,912 | 139,644 | 195,060 | 207,900 |
09 | Connecticut | 226,711 (d) | 206,062 | 206,062 | 206,062 | 206,062 | 197,963 | 210,000 | 167,969 | (c) | 179,517 | 209,740 | 169,218 | 210,000 | (a-12) | 206,062 | 182,000 | 201,880 | (a-12) | 230,958 | 144,713 | 219,967 | 182,887 | 220,000 | 220,000 | 230,000 | (c) | 210,000 | 230,769 | (c) | 220,000 | 219,745 | 209,961 | 182,887 | 128,694 | (c) | 128,572 | 141,860 | 197,963 | 167,969 | (a-8) | (a-14) | 178,814 | 179,966 | 162,000 | 221,957 | 232,470 | 192,841 | 219,967 | 158,363 | 220,000 | (a-45) |
10 | Delaware | 171,000 | 83,884 | 146,375 | 155,949 | 127,177 | 136,450 | (a-10) | 135,327 | 124,215 | 128,173 | 159,008 | 91,976 | (a-2) | N.O | 155,640 | 138,075 | 157,457 | N.O. | 173,407 | 94,526 | 102,524 | 109,740 | 108,241 | (a-35) | 159,008 | 108,241 | 125,320 | 205,000 | 120,472 | (a-49) | 173,407 | 124,215 | 135,327 | 125,290 | (c) | 139,371 | 108,241 | 139,371 | 106,091 | (a-8) | (a-8) | 97,101 | 122,782 | (a-26) | 134,849 | (c) | 212,459 | 225,453 | 85,541 | 149,059 | 130,226 |
12 | Florida | 141,400 | 135,515 | 188,103 | 139,988 | 139,988 | 210,550 | 204,701 | 139,988 | 153,060 | (a-4) | 174,825 | 153,539 | 177,038 | 135,138 | (a-4) | 133,000 | 193,636 | 147,000 | 299,574 | 136,320 | 153043 | (a-17) | 120,000 | 204,701 | (a-4) | 194,891 | (a-6) | 110,649 | 420,000 | 170,000 | 127,246 | 195,000 | (a-17) | 112,829 | (c) | (a-23) | 131,064 | 127,645 | 189,000 | (a-4) | (a-4) | 113,969 | 162,020 | 128,215 | 172,092 | 200,992 | 131,064 | 170,000 | N.O. | 283,500 | 120,595 |
13 | Georgia | 180,000 | 96,609 | 123,637 | 144,169 | 190,000 | 210,550 | 165,000 | 123,987 | 180,008 | 132,558 | 230,000 | 117,200 | 145,000 | 225,000 | 140,000 | 139,227 | 188,000 | 245,000 | 155,000 | 125,000 | 117,200 | 122,786 | 126,157 | 175,000 | 158,508 | 129,657 | 150,020 | 204,631 | 170,000 | 136,178 | 190,000 | 165,000 | 138,000 | 75,000 | 225,000 | 225,000 | 101,655 | 137,000 | (a-10) | (a-8) | N.O. | N.O. | (a-12) | 130,760 | 200,000 | 185,000 | 129,567 | 190,000 | (a-17) | 455,000 | 160,000 |
15 | Hawaii | 184,860 | 183,804 | N.O. | 183,804 | 183,804 | 278,427 | (c) | 175,056 | 175,056 | 136,476 | (a-4) | 125,616 | 175,056 | N.O. | 170,784 | 136,692 | 175,056 | 175,056 | 200,000 (b) | 131,664 | 148,143 | 122,532 (b) | (a-42) | 122,532 (b) | 183,804 | 122,532 (b) | 170,784 | 170,784 | 409,704 | 122,532 (b) | 221,124 | 146,628 | 175,056 | 116,712 (b) | 157,104 | 175,056 | 122,532 (b) | 170,784 | N/A | 122,532 (b) | N/A | 170,004 | 152,304 | 116,712 (b) | 170,784 | 175,056 | 116,712 (b) | N.O. | 262,500 | 175,056 | 122,532 (b) |
16 | Idaho | 151,400 | 52,990 | 128,690 | 146,730 | 128,690 | 177,237 | Vacant | 155,750 | 158,350 | (a-24) | 171,226 | 106,496 | 163,197 | N.O. | 128,690 | (a-3) | 186,035 | (a-12) | 128,690 | (a-2) | 173,784 | (a-32) | 136,510 | 154,814 | 165,818 | 164,507 | N.O. | (c) | 178,506 | (a-49) | 159,432 | 163,010 | 173,680 | 146,266 | 138,923 | 152,755 | 156,770 | 166,587 | N.O. | (a-8) | (a-14) | 110,635 | 122,742 | 109,595 | 160,784 | 211,453 | 115,170 | 172,203 | (a-12) | 248,144 | 135,866 |
17 | Illinois | 205,700 (d) | 163,500 | 175,700 | 186,400 | 163,500 | 165,000 | 192,900 | 181,800 | 187,800 | 195,300 | 190,200 | 144,700 | 197,000 | (a-12) | 163,500 | (a-3) | 197,200 | (a-12) | 243,100 | 174,800 | 181,100 | 212,400 | (a-42) | 181,400 | (a-10) | (a-35) | (a-6) | 202,400 | 228,900 | (a-49) | 205,823 | 181,500 | 179,300 | (a-9) | (a-45) | 171,300 | (a-35) | (a-6) | N.O. | (a-8) | (a-14) | 131,200 | 158,700 | (a-6) | 172,700 | 176,400 | (a-23) | 199,300 | (a-12) | 200,400 | 195,900 |
18 | Indiana | 134,051 | 109,118 | 94,760 | 113,965 | 94,760 | 175,750 | 161,119 | 160,000 | 94,760 | 158,271 | 165,629 | 139,578 | (a-17) | 141,312 | (a-8) | 149,537 | 180,000 | (d) | 195,707 | (c) | 145,000 | 186,000 | 141,750 | 162,836 | 174,008 | 108,693 | (a-6) | 225,000 | 231,000 | (a-49) | 188,032 | 149,457 | 134,778 | 150,000 | 152,247 | 154,707 | 129,200 | 153,682 | N.O. | 166,000 | 94,760 | 138,748 | 158,664 | 122,767 | 173,639 | 248,936 | 126,193 | 179,459 | 162,838 | 177,500 | (a-45) |
19 | Iowa | 130,000 | 103,212 | 103,212 | 123,669 | 103,212 | 245,502 | 154,300 | 103,212 | 103,212 | 128,890 | 154,300 | 97,460 | N.O. | 162,968 | N.O | 128,890 | 154,300 | 154,300 | 154,300 | 161,408 | 112,070 | 154,300 | (a-17) | 164,424 | (a-6) | 117,458 | 167,898 | (a-45) | N.O. | 195,416 | 206,710 | 128,890 | 112,070 | 131,976 | 150,197 | 128,890 | (a-25) | 149,438 | N.O. | N.O. | N.O. | 167,898 | 128,890 | 167,898 | 154,300 | 154,300 | (a-23) | 128,890 | 103,688 | 154,300 | 165,131 |
20 | Kansas | 110,707 | 170,130 | 86,003 | 98,901 | 86,003 | 155,548 | 183,750 | 135,608 | N.O. | 138,998 | 183,750 | 110,300 | (a-1) | N.O. | 102,198 | 110,040 | 161,700 | 111,729 | 253,575 | (a-2) | (c) | 148,838 | 108,683 | 137,813 | 102,198 | 97,650 | 121,000 | 165,375 | 280,000 | (a-49) | 183,750 | 86,003 | 135,000 | 96,055 | 189,000 | 123,000 | 135,608 | 124,950 | N.O. | 143,304 | 95,528 | 100,858 | 123,750 | 115,500 | 135,608 | 164,000 | 96,055 | 155,000 | 97,020 | 141,258 | N.O. |
21 | Kentucky | 164,355 | 139,725 | 139,725 | 139,725 | 139,725 | 146,880 | N.O. | 139,725 | 139,725 | 118,800 | 146,880 | 130,000 | 146,880 | 124,200 | 110,000 | 105,000 | 135,000 | 207,360 | 280,800 | 103,950 | 110,000 | 96,390 | 146,880 | 113,400 | 146,880 | 147,000 | N.O. | 229,758 | 360,000 | 129,600 | 146,880 | 118,800 | 146,880 | N.O. | 129,600 | 113,400 | 118,800 | 146,880 | (a-10) | (a-8) | N.O. | 113,400 | 118,800 | 102,060 | 124,200 | 136,080 | 97,200 | 158,722 | 118,800 | 146,880 | N.O |
22 | Louisiana | 125,185 | 110,741 | 110,741 | 115,000 | 110,741 | 231,650 | 247,000 | 115,000 | 151,736 | 156,832 | 149,448 | 93,787 | 247,000 | N.O. | (a-6) | 109,283 | 156,395 | 247,000 | 285,002 | 131,363 | 171,600 | 119,600 | 127,733 | 148,382 | (a-6) | 139,753 | (a-6) | 260,000 | 401,310 | 202,363 | 163,072 | 115,000 | 148,179 | N.O. | 151,424 | 139,734 | 136,718 | 175,552 | 117,728 | N/A | 130,062 | 131,498 | 139,755 | 132,683 | 201,184 | 148,715 | 119,600 | 184,533 | 135,907 | 202,363 | 124,800 |
23 | Maine | 70,000 | (e) | 100,339 | 143,499 | 109,325 | 158,808 | 158,808 | 158,808 | 107,328 | 130,978 | 135,179 | 127,920 | (a-17) | (a-17) | 135,179 | 148,658 | 158,808 | 158,808 | 158,808 | 129,022 | 103,730 | (a-32) | (a-38) | 158,808 | (a-6) | 158,808 | 131,352 | 193,731 | N.O. | (a-49) | 148,658 | N/A | 158,808 | 158,808 | (a-45) | 158,808 | (a-35) | 135,179 | N/A | N/A | (a-14) | 113,734 | 152,152 | N/A | 148,658 | 193,731 | 93,184 | 157,893 | (a-17) | 158,808 | (a-45) |
24 | Maryland | 184,000 | 165,000 | 112,500 | 165,000 | 165,000 | 200,000 (b) | 215,000 (b) | 190,000 (b) | N.O. | 135,602 (b) | 250,000 (b) | 144,148 (b) | 183,003 (b) | N.O | 165,000 | 165,780 (b) | 215,000 (b) | 183,003 (b) | 337,006 | 163,101 (b) | 190,000 (b) | 215,000 (b) | 173,972 (b) | 215,000 (b) | 250,000 (b) | 145,804 (b) | (a-6) | 250,000 (b) | 200,000 (b) | 203,393 | 215,000 (b) | 197,504 (b) | 215,000 (b) | 165,000 (b) | (b)(c) | 215,000 (b) | N/A (b) | 182,517 (b) | 175,000 (b) | 77,204 (b) | 154,653 (b) | 151,617 (b) | 207,769 (b) | N/A (b) | 163,101 (b) | 250,000 (b) | 174,099 (b) | 250,000 (b) | 164,276 (b) | 250,000 (b) | N/A (b) |
25 | Massachusetts | 222,185 | 198,165 | 187,433 | 222,639 | 238,794 | 210,550 | 188,991 | 162,240 | 229,377 | 167,481 | 149,716 | 164,729 | (a-17) | (a-15) | 184,661 | 86,400 | 187,200 | 188,991 | 181,722 | (a-2) | 171,905 | (a-32) | 181,722 | (a-22) | (a-6) | 171,600 | (a-43) | 188,991 | 260,000 | 188,568 | 188,991 | 163,469 | 188,991 | 125,660 | (c) | (a-22) | 171,600 | 181,315 | (a-6) | (a-8) | (a-8) | 143,000 | (a-22) | 188,568 | 188,541 | 173,225 | (a-22) | 271,386 | 124,800 | 181,722 | (a-45) |
26 | Michigan | 159,300 | 111,510 | 112,410 | 112,410 | 198,916 | 210,780 | 189,444 | 189,444 | 200,776 | 189,444 | 198,916 | 168,000 | 189,444 | N.O. | 170,977 | N.O. | 198,916 | (a-32) | 246,726 | (c) | (a-47) | 163,130 | 118,473 | 189,444 | (a-10) | (c) | N.O. | 198,916 | N.O. | (a-49) | 181,650 | (a-9) | 189,444 | 189,444 | 289,849 | 189,444 | 154,652 | 200,587 | N.O. | (a-8) | N.O. | N.O. | 159,133 | 168,137 | 154,652 | 198,916 | 124,124 | 189,444 | N.O. | 189,444 | 198,916 |
27 | Minnesota | 127,629 | 82,959 | 95,722 | 121,248 | (a-24) | 205,438 | 144,991 | 144,991 | 108,485 | 158,270 | (a-24) | 144,991 | 144,991 | (a-17) | (a-24) | (c) | 150,002 | 150,002 | 150,002 | (a-2) | 154,992 | N.O. | 162,509 | 150,002 | 154,992 | 151,505 | (a-6) | 150,002 | 144,991 | (a-49) | 155,243 | 162,509 | 144,991 | N.O. | (a-45) | 154,992 | 151,505 | (a-24) | N/A | (a-8) | (a-8) | N/A | (c) | 157,038 | 154,992 | 154,992 | (a-23) | 173,722 | 135,923 | 154,992 | (a-45) |
28 | Mississippi | 122,160 | 60,000 | 90,000 | 108,960 | 90,000 | 141,105 | 157,500 | 90,000 | 90,000 | 164,744 | (a-6) | N.O. | (a-31) | (a-45) | (a-6) | 97,850 | 145,200 | 172,000 | 300,000 | 85,000 | 132,000 | 114,587 | 105,000 | 143,000 | (a-6) | 145,000 | N.O. | 275,000 | 300,000 | (a-49) | 176,000 | 90,000 | N.O. | N.O. | 179,500 | 143,000 | 145,000 | 166,750 | 93,548 | (a-8) | (a-8) | 126,000 | 146,600 | 91,928 | 152,250 | 170,400 | 97,693 | 175,664 | 130,000 | 183,000 | (a-45) |
29 | Missouri | 140,596 | 90,862 | 113,200 | 122,332 | 113,200 | 133,874 | 196,783 | 157,556 | 113,200 | 153,108 | 142,738 | 100,917 | 180,563 | 130,125 | 132,530 | (a-3) | 187,181 | 184,236 | 233,136 | 97,488 | 122,237 | 119,570 | 122,891 | 133,855 | (a-10) | (c) | 130,440 | 193,628 | 200,000 | (a-49) | 180,000 | (a-12) | 162,510 | 139,262 | 187,155 | 160,821 | 133,855 | 130,440 | (a-10) | (a-8) | (a-14) | 106,224 | 132,345 | 132,530 | 184,407 | 189,693 | 95,016 | 168,768 | 130,125 | 286,430 | 130,549 |
30 | Montana | 118,397 | 90,140 | 101,718 | 145,566 | (a-6) | 130,000 | 146,144 | 131,144 | 100,545 | 114,079 | 131,144 | 108,000 | 161,144 | 78,844 | 133,205 | 92,034 | 145,184 | 131,144 | 116,808 | 115,786 | 110,143 | 111,218 | 88,912 | 131,144 | 133,205 | 131,144 | 105,787 | 165,000 | 339,716 | (a-49) | 151,144 | 100,545 | 131,144 | 106,278 | 107,747 | 131,144 | 103,082 | 123,989 | 130,930 | 155,261 | (a-39) | 148,456 | 114,653 | 97,031 | 131,144 | (a-27) | 101,691 | 120,243 | 105,665 | 131,144 | (a-27) |
31 | Nebraska | 105,000 | 75,000 | 85,000 | 95,000 | 85,000 | N/A | 180,253 | 128,340 | 85,000 | 144,984 | N/A | 95,000 | (a-17) | N/A | N/A | (a-4) | 210,001 | 214,947 | 242,019 | (a-2) | (a-5) | (a-32) | 167,396 | (a-22) | (c) | (a-36) | (a-8) | 179,504 | 213,776 | (a-49) | N/A | 144,984 | 147,522 | N/A | N/A | 220,002 | 174,177 | N/A | (a-6) | (a-8) | N/A | 111,560 | N/A | N/A | 144,997 | N/A | N/A | 178,189 | N/A | 183,000 | (a-45) |
32 | Nevada | 170,062 | 72,367 | 116,994 | 160,412 | 116,994 | 133,060 | 145,217 | 133,060 | N.O. | 111,313 | 145,217 | 99,797 | 145,217 | N.O. | 116,994 | 84,553 | 145,217 | N/A | 145,217 | (c) | 133,060 | 145,217 | 121,547 | 140,739 | (a-14) | 133,060 | N.O. | (c) | N/A | (a-49) | 133,060 | 133,060 | 111,313 | N.O. | (c) | 145,217 | 122,187 | 122,187 | N.O. | N.O. | N.O. | (c) | 142,017 | 111,313 | 145,217 | 145,217 | (a-23) | 145,217 | 133,060 | 145,217 | (c) |
33 | New Hampshire | 146,172 | (e) | 127,049 | 141,390 | 126,144 | 126,750 | 141,390 | 119,258 | N.O. | 114,799 | 120,372 | 79,408 | 130,566 | N.O. | 140,348 | (a-3) | 142,090 | (a-12) | 123,120 | (a-2) | 91,442 | 128,120 | 111,340 | 138,438 | (a-6) | 119,820 | (a-6) | 138,088 | 95,260 | 138,138 | 141,390 | 126,720 | 127,720 | 122,359 | 127,420 | 121,187 | 84,639 | (a-6) | N.O. | (a-14) | (a-14) | 111,046 | 133,606 | 119,820 | 143,390 | (a-27) | 121,220 | 132,770 | 109,996 | (a-29) | (a-27) |
34 | New Jersey | 175,000 | 175,000 | 175,000 | 175,000 | 175,000 | 175,000 | N.O. | 175,000 | 165,240 | 175,000 | 165,000 | 165,000 | (a-17) | (a-1) | 175,000 | 157,911 | 175,000 | 225,000 | 175,000 | 145,950 | (a-47) | 155,250 | 140,000 | 175,000 | 165,000 | 158,125 | (c) | 175,000 | 175,000 | 153,353 | 175,000 | (a-9) | 175,000 | N.O. | (c) | (c) | 143,750 | 175,000 | 142,640 | N.O. | N.O. | N.O. | 175,000 | 165,000 | 160,000 | (c) | 145,000 | 175,000 | 132,939 | 175,000 | 160,000 |
35 | New Mexico | 110,000 | 85,000 | 85,000 | 95,000 | 85,000 | 250,239 | 195,000 | N/A | 85,000 | 116,467 | 124,374 | N.O. | 200,000 | N.O. | 149,558 | 103,350 | 169,614 | 158,340 | 200,000 | 129,168 | 169,614 | N/A | 200,000 | 200,000 | 149,999 | 169,614 | 169,614 | 196,392 | 169,614 | (a-49) | 162,819 | 169,614 | 169,614 | 169,614 | N.O. | 200,000 | 140,000 | 158,340 | 87,916 | 85,000 | 97,150 | 73,576 | 90,000 | N/A | 158,340 | 158,340 | 92,560 | 116,116 | 158,340 | 158,340 | 158,340 |
36 | New York | 250,000 | 210,000 | 194,182 | 220,000 | 196,000 | 200,000 | 218,600 | 200,000 | (a-14) | 225,000 | 220,000 | 170,000 | 175,000 (b) | (a-2) | 220,000 | 225,000 | 212,500 | (a-12) | 324,000 | (c) | 220,000 | (a-32) | 140,000(b)(c) | 220,000 | (a-14) | 220,000 | 220,000 | 244,000 | (a-18) | (a-49) | 205,000 | 220,000 | 205,000 | (c) | (c) | 220,000 | 205,000 | 200,000 | 175000 (b) | (a-14) | (a-14) | (a-18) | 205,000 | 220,000 | 196,000 | 220,000 | 220,000 | 220,000 | (a-12) | 220,000 | (a-45) |
37 | North Carolina | 165,750 | 146,421 | 146,421 | 146,421 | 146,421 | 164,514 | 165,773 | 146,421 | 146,421 | 147,569 | 245,551 | 119,106 | 208,992 | N.O. | 183,084 | N/A | 195,082 | 134,334 | 146,421 | 156,042 | 147,460 | 177,626 | 145,520 | 164,993 | (a-10) | 192,762 | 154,888 | 246,323 | N/A | 207,817 | 209,419 | 146,421 | 146,421 | N.O. | N/A | 159,131 | 160,392 | 178,955 | N/A | (a-8) | (a-8) | 123,562 | 153,187 | 128,467 | 164,992 | 201,825 | 129,199 | 164,514 | N/A | 234,548 | N.O. |
38 | North Dakota | 143,646 | 111,727 | 114,486 | 169,162 | 114,486 | 214,456 | N.O. | 123,984 | 114,486 | 151,116 | 195,000 | (a-32) | 185,904 | N.O. | N.O. | 155,832 | 171,660 | N/A | 130,323 | 58,872 | 101,232 | 162,200 | N/A | 154,212 | (a-10) | 137,700 | N/A | 346,800 | 400,033 | (a-49) | 238,000 | 114,485 | 114,996 | N/A | 164,388 | N/A | 137,700 | 145,200 | N.O. | N/A | N.O. | N.O. | 117,610 | 112,322 | 124,250 | 240,000 | 95,280 | 148,428 | 151,968 | 200,004 | (a-45) |
39 | Ohio | 171,059 | 186,867 | 126,360 | 126,360 | 126,360 | 164,112 | 175,094 | 154,502 | 126,360 | 140,691 | 192,629 | 139,027 | 163,238 | 173,597 | (a-10) | 137,509 | 175,386 | 173,597 | 184,995 | (a-2) | 133,245 | 182,166 | (a-17) | 165,381 | (c) | 134,410 | 134,597 | 294,590 | 206,773 | (a-49) | 158,163 | 166,046 | 130,395 | (h) | (c) | 185,016 | 134,410 | 137,114 | (a-17) | (a-8) | (a-10) | 152,942 | 155,002 | 134,597 | 180,086 | (c) | 107,058 | 163,987 | (a-17) | 168,709 | (a-21) |
40 | Oklahoma | 147,000 | 114,713 | 140,000 | 132,825 | 114,713 | 173,347 | 135,000 | 140,000 | 114,713 | 216,393 | 130,000 | N.O. | 141,000 | N.O. | 125,000 | 152,545 | 275,000 | N.O. | 124,373 | 125,000 | 135,000 | 185,000 | 145,000 | 184,004 | 150,000 | 162,266 | 125,000 | 240,000 | 415,000 | (a-49) | 160,000 | 126,713 | 105,053 | N.O. | 173,318 | (a-48) | (a-48) | 131,000 | N.O. | N.O. | (a-14) | 96,000 | (c) | 135,000 | 190,000 | 250,000 | 124,987 | 185,900 | 235,000 | 185,000 | (a-45) |
41 | Oregon | 98,600 | (a-2) | 77,000 | 82,220 | 77,000 | 245,688 | 284,484 | 198,384 | 226,825 | N.O. | 237,372 | 105,972 | 212,172 | 202,092 | N.O. | 222,804 | 249,241 | (a-12) | 163,932 | 161,220 | 192,432 | 245,688 | 202,092 | 114,492 | (a-4) | 222,804 | (a-6) | 233,964 | 245,688 | 232,924 | 308,484 | 222,804 | 77,000 | N.O. | 260,004 | N.O. | 222,804 | N/A | N.O. | (a-8) | (a-10) | 150,948 | 212,197 | 237,372 | 245,688 | 270,912 | N.O. | 245,688 | N.O. | 270,912 | (a-45) |
42 | Pennsylvania | 229,642 | 192,897 | 165,341 | 191,061 | 191,061 | 195,577 | 183,727 | 165,341 | 191,061 | 165,341 | 198,006 | 159,551 | 183,766 | 160,470 | 174,397 | 173,458 | 183,712 | 174,527 | 183,712 | 140,206 | 168,490 | 159,218 | 168,920 | 183,712 | 198,006 | (c) | 174,527 | 183,712 | 168,920 | 168,920 | N/A | 165,341 | 183,712 | 122,426 | (c) | 174,527 | 160,490 | 168,940 | 183,727 | (a-8) | (a-4) | 168,920 | 177,027 | 160,490 | 174,527 | 183,712 | 168,920 | 174,571 | 153,194 | 183,712 | 183,712 |
44 | Rhode Island (f) | 163,295 | 137,510 | 137,510 | 146,107 | 137,510 | 163,845 | 175,368 | (a-23) | 184,710 | 165,818 | 174,490 | 143,718 | 204,626 | N.O. | 170,028 | (a-3) | 171,367 | (a-38) | 260,809 | 102,074 | 163,845 | (a-32) | 135,857 | 192,131 | (a-44) | (a-23) | (a-6) | 232,913 | 190,000 | (a-49) | 224,653 | (a-9) | 185,305 | N.O. | 182,684 | (a-23) | (a-23) | 168,966 | 160,027 | N.O. | (a-14) | 161,589 | 147,249 | 157,783 | 135,000 | (c) | (g) | 208,103 | (a-17) | 182,684 | (a-45) |
45 | South Carolina | 106,078 | 46,545 | 135,000 | 208,000 | 164,000 | 172,260 | 284,679 | 162,000 | 180,000 | 150,560 | 154,500 | 114,933 | 252,000 | N.O. | 151,000 | 132,149 | 250,000 | (a-13) | 214,000 | 150,000 | 121,006 | 206,000 | N.O. | (c) | 120,537 | 187,000 | 164,049 | (c) | 238,520 | 172,260 | 185,400 | 169,305 | 190,000 | (a-32) | (c) | 187,000 | 206,552 | 154,500 | N.O. | 140,000 | (a-14) | 128,108 | 265,000 | 148,000 | 196,311 | 250,000 | 249,000 | 172,260 | 206,552 | 298,000 | 250,000 |
46 | South Dakota | 139,100 | 120,787 | 120,910 | 133,750 | 120,910 | 147,062 | 168,238 | 152,944 | 120,910 | 142,759 | N.O. | N.O. | N.O. | N.O. | 139,100 | 90,607 | 163,324 | 147,092 | 186,287 | 90,950 | 98,811 | 112,350 | 86,973 | (a-7) | 187,143 | 139,370 | (a-6) | 168,238 | 325,000 | (a-49) | 177,697 | 133,882 | 168,238 | N.O. | (c) | (a-7) | 107,115 | (a-6) | N.O. | 176,871 | (a-39) | 89,880 | 128,551 | 83,513 | 152,944 | 155,150 | N.O. | 130,821 | 153,624 | 165,000 | 123,615 |
47 | Tennessee | 204,336 | 72,948 (e) | 222,252 | 199,332 | 222,252 | 171,744 | 222,252 | 171,744 | (a-14) | 171,744 | 178,368 | 124,080 | 179,688 | (a-12) | 222,252 | 106,200 | 171,744 | (a-12) | 212,160 | 157,236 | 143,256 | (a-32) | 175,032 | 178,968 | 222,252 | 178,968 | 171,744 | 187,632 | 208,080 | (a-49) | 217,920 | 171,744 | 171,744 | 144,840 | 171,744 | 178,968 | 128,244 | 171,744 | N.O. | (a-14) | 178,368 | 151,440 | 174,696 | 178,308 | 173,760 | 171,744 | 147,612 | 171,744 | 171,744 | 171,744 | (a-45) |
48 | Texas | 153,750 | 7,200 | 197,415 | 153,750 | (a-14) | 191,357 | N.O. | 140,938 | 220,000 | 254,850 | 285,000 | 175,000 | N.O. | 192,299 | 153,750 | N/A | 275,501 | 201,000 | 220,375 | (c) | 198,164 | (a-32) | N.O. | 223,277 | (a-14) | 215,412 | 190,248 | 271,083 | 299,813 | (a-49) | 194,182 | 217,139 | 200,494 | 180,000 | 225,500 | (a-23) | (a-25) | N.O. | (a-10) | (a-8) | (a-14) | 148,197 | 200,000 | 161,569 | (a-14) | 235,500 | N.O. | 299,813 | 125,000 | 344,000 | 290,258 |
49 | Utah | 182,900 | 164,610 | (a-1) | 173,755 | 164,610 | 192,816 | 241,508 | 192,088 | 164,610 | 210,017 | 220,521 | 115,460 | 220,521 | 273,000 | (a-24) | (a-12) | 241,508 | 196,560 | 242,902 | 112,220 | 137,945 | 241,508 | 147,825 | 199,513 | 196,560 | 241,508 | (a-6) | 241,508 | N.O. | (a-49) | 220,521 | 199,513 | 210,017 | (a-12) | (a-45) | 241,508 | 154,918 | 210,017 | (a-10) | (a-8) | (a-24) | 138,195 | 137,883 | (a-6) | 172,473 | 241,508 | (a-23) | 241,508 | (a-17) | 241,508 | (a-45) |
50 | Vermont | 201,136 | 81,390 | 127,546 | 152,714 | 127,546 | 161,699 | 162,032 | 161,699 | 127,546 | 140,982 | 150,613 | 128,003 | 162,032 | 126,464 | (a-10) | (a-11) | 141,835 | 133,910 | 161,699 | (a-2) | 96,033 | 143,478 | 140,982 | 131,394 | (a-10) | 128,502 | 143,478 | 175,718 | N.O. | 151,778 | 162,032 | (a-9) | (a-21) | 113,027 | 143,478 | 161,699 | 125,008 | 143,478 | N.O. | (a-8) | (a-10) | 125,902 | 175,635 | (a-26) | 143,478 | 162,032 | (a-23) | 153,837 | 125,258 | 162,032 | 143,770 |
51 | Virginia | 175,000 | 36,321 | 209,190 | 150,000 | 183,750 | 195,000 | 204,587 | 209,189 | 229,416 | 208,315 | 210,000 | 154,764 | 204,587 | 147,196 | 192,743 | 140,612 | 206,000 | 420,000 | 204,587 | 139,650 | 162,284 | 190,000 | 173,250 | 237,684 | 214,030 | 167,178 | 203,369 | 250,000 | 242,612 | 252,951 | 245,858 | 206,144 | 204,587 | 150,000 | 279,524 | 204,587 | 186,794 | 184,000 | (a-10) | (a-8) | (a-14) | 186,794 | (c) | 164,094 | 200,253 | 279,524 | (a-23) | 224,643 | 223,519 | 204,587 | (a-45) |
53 | Washington | 198,257 | 124,127 | 145,714 | 187,543 | 162,555 | 201,290 | 207,972 | 202,056 | 145,714 | 199,500 | N.O. | 145,596 | 207,972 | N.O. | N.O. | N.O. | 234,504 | N.O. | 161,905 | N.O. | N.O. | 207,972 | N.O. | 207,972 | 234,504 | 207,972 | N.O. | 331,800 | N.O. | 176,400 | 207,972 | 145,714 | 207,972 | 207,972 | 230,328 | 161,905 | 181,992 | 174,720 | N.O. | N.O. | N.O. | 160,308 | 174,732 | N.O. | 207,972 | 242,004 | N.O. | 234,504 | N.O. | 234,504 | N.O. |
54 | West Virginia | 150,000 | 20,000 (e) | 95,000 | 95,000 | 95,000 | 135,000 | 120,000 | 95,000 | 95,000 | 85,000 | 103,000 | 80,000 | 120,000 | 130,000 | (a-8) | (a-3) | 120,000 | (a-13) | 230,000 | (a-2) | 87,500 | 97,690 | (a-13) | 120,000 | 81,068 | 100,000 | 102,050 | 112,426 | 301,694 | (a-49) | 132,420 | 97,500 | 85,000 | (a-32) | (a-27) | (a-25) | (a-25) | 87,500 | (a-13) | (a-8) | (a-8) | 85,000 | 99,500 | 95,080 | 120,000 | (a-27) | 87,284 | 99,500 | 120,000 | 140,000 | (a-27) |
55 | Wisconsin | 165,568 | 87,423 | 78,583 | 160,680 | 72,551 | 150,000 | 155,813 | 146,182 | N/A | 146,182 | 140,754 | 119,226 | N.O. | N.O. | 118,394 | 112,195 | 155,813 | N.A. | 132,351 | 125,528 | 127,005 | 119,226 | 117,749 | 124,821 | (a-10) | 124,821 | 127,400 | 155,813 | 550,000 | 134,638 | 142,251 | 143,582 | 155,813 | 136,698 | 140,795 | 155,813 | (a-25) | 136,011 | N.O. | (a-8) | (a-8) | 136,448 | 126,182 | 122,699 | 155,813 | 126,182 | 124,821 | 131,040 | 140,754 | 155,813 | 128,877 |
56 | Wyoming | 140,000 | (a-2) | 160,000 | 193,815 | 125,000 | 155,760 | 183,700 | 136,488 | 125,000 | 108,120 | 148,630 | (a-37) | 185,000 | N.O. | (a-8) | 117,000 | 165,691 | (a-12) | 125,000 | 100,134 | 111,851 | 158,400 | 132,600 | 164,250 | 112,200 | 205,546 | 122,550 | 186,150 | 165,000 | (a-49) | 178,240 | 133,647 | (a-21) | 77,250 | (c) | 136,530 | 140,634 | 137,970 | 191,625 | 109,650 | (a-8) | 122,080 | 132,351 | 83,070 | 133,900 | (a-27) | N/A | 143,400 | N/A | 140,634 | (a-45) |
The Council of State Governments’ survey of state personnel agencies and state salary databases, 2023.Key:
N/A | — | Not available. |
N.O. | — | No specific chief administrative official or agency in charge of function. |
Vacant | – | Position vacant at time of survey. |
(a) | Chief administrative official or agency in charge of function: |
(b) | Salary ranges, Lower figure appears in the table and top figure in the range is listed below: Hawaii: Education-Chief Officer, $250,000; Employment Services, $196,152; Environmental Protection, $196,152; Fish and Wildlife, $196,152; Highways, $196,152; Licensing, $186,780; Parks and Recreation, $196,152; Post-Audit, $196,152; Purchasing, $186,780; Solid Waste Management, $186,780; Welfare, $196,152. Maryland: For these positions the salary in the chart is the actual salary and the following are the salary ranges: Adjutant General, $157,359 – $218,965; Administration, $180,958 – $316,022; Agriculture, $157,359 – $218,965; Banking, $100,166- $155,248; Budget, $180,958 – $316,022; Civil Rights, $109,187 – $151,617; Commerce, $135,842 – $188,893; Consumer Affairs, $106,849 – $165,780; Corrections, $180,958 – $316,022; Economic Development, $135,842 – $188,893; Elections Administration, $117,398 – $163,101; Emergency Management, $157,359 – $218,965; Workforce Development, $180,958 – $316,022; Energy, $126,264 – $175,498; Environmental Protection, $180,958 – $316,022; Finance, $180,958 – $316,022; Fish and Wildlife – $111,371 – $160,898; General Services – $180,958 – $316,022; Health, $180,958 – $316,022; Higher Education, $157,359 – $218,965; Information Systems, $180,958 – $316,022; Insurance, $157,359 – $218,965; Labor, $180,958 – $316,022; Licensing, $126,264 – $175,498; Mental Health shared duties, $319,276 – $541,323 and $146,182 – $203,345; Natural Resources, $180,958 – $316,022; Parks and Recreation, $117,398 – $163,101; Personnel, $135,842 – $188,893; Planning, $146,182 – $203,345; Post-Audit, $77,204 – $119,591; Pre-Audit, $117,398 – $163,101; Public Library, $109,187 – $151,617; Public Utility Regulation – $180,958 – $316,022, Purchasing $146,182 – $203,345; Revenue, $117,398 – $163,101; Social Services, $180,958 – $316,022; Solid Waste Management, $126,264 – $175,498; State Police, $180,958 – $316,022; Tourism, $126,264 – $175,498; Transportation, $180,958 – $316,022; Welfare, $109,187 – $151,617. New York: Commerce/Economic Development, $200,000; Energy, $170,000; Planning, $200,000; Tourism, $200,000. |
(c) | Responsibilities shared between: California – Health – Responsibilities shared between Director of Health Care Services, $230,527 and Director of Public Health $295,397. California – Mental health & developmental disabilities – Responsibilities shared between Director of State Hospitals, $230,530 and Director of Developmental Services, $230,535. Connecticut – Auditor – Responsibilites shared, $221,803 and $181,160. Connecticut – Fish And Wildlife – Responsibilities shared between Director of Wildlife, $154,187 and Director of Inland and Marine Fisheries, $160,142. Connecticut – Higher Education – Responsibilites shared between Director, $175,769 and Board of Regents President, $404,923. Connecticut – Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities – Responsibilities shared between Commissioner of Mental Health, $210,000 and Commissioner, Dept. of Developmental Services: $208,619. Delaware – Mental Health – Responsibilities shared between Director, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Department of Health and Social Services, $162,027 and Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities Service, same department, $130,112. Delaware – Social Services – Function split between two cabinet positions: Secretary, Dept. of Health and Social Services, $166,080 and Secretary, Dept. of Svcs. for Children, Youth and their Families, $149,152. Florida – Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities – Responsibilities shared between Assistant Secretary for Substance Abuse & Mental Health, Department of Children & Families, $142,810 and Director, Agency for Persons with Disabilities, $169,257. Hawaii – Administration – There is no single agency for Administration. The functions are divided amongst the Director of Budget and Finance, Director of Human Resources Development and the Comptroller. Idaho – Health – Responsibilities shared between 7 Directors – PHD1 – $139817; PHD2 – $149260; PHD3 – $131,040; PD4 – $162,760, PHD5 – $124,030; PHD6 – $130,333, PHD7 – $130,000. Indiana – Elections Administration – Responsibilities shared between Co-Directors $159,832 each. Kansas – Emergency Management – Responsibilities shared between Adjutant General, $155,548 and deputy director, $108,450. Maryland – Mental Health – Responsibilities shared between Deputy Secretary, Behavioral Healht Administration, salary range $319,276 – $451,323) and Secretary, Dept. of Disabilities, $175,000 (salary range $146,182 – $203,345). Massachusetts – Mental Health – Responsibilities shared between commissioner, Department of Mental Health, $180,154 and commissioner, Department of Developmental Services, $180,154. Michigan – Elections Administration – Responsibilities shared between secretary of state, $112,410 and director of elections, $154,652. Michigan – Fish and Wildlife – Responsibilities shared between chief of fisheries, $142,000 and chief of wildlife, $116,197. Minnesota – Consumer Affairs – Responsibilites shared between two members of the Office of the Attorney General, $170,462 and $168,000. Minnesota – Public Utility Regulation – Responsibilities shared between five commissioners with salaries of $140,000 for each. Missouri – Fish and Wildlife – Responsibilities shared between administrator, Division of Fisheries, Department of Conservation, , $113,832 and administrator, Division of Wildlife, same department, $125,412. Nebraska – Finance – Responsibilities shared between, Auditor of Public Accounts, $85,000; Administrator, $180,253 and State Tax Commissioner, $144,997. Nevada – Elections Administration – Responsibilities shared between secretary of state, $116,994; deputy secretary of state for elections, $122,187 and chief deputy secretary of state, $133,060. Nevada – Health – Responsibilities shared between director, health and human services, $145,217 and division administrator, DPBH, $140,739. Nevada – Mental Health – Responsibilities shared between director, health and human services, $145,217 and division administrator, $140,739. Nevada – Public Library Development – Responsibilities shared between director, Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, $133,060 and division administrator, Library and Archives, $111,313. Nevada – Welfare – Responsibilities shared between director, health and human services, $145,217 and division administrator, welfare and support services, $133,060. New Jersey – General Services – Responsibilities shared between director, Division of Purchase and Property, Dept. of the Treasury, $165,000 and director, Division of Property Management and Construction, Dept. of the Treasury, $165,000. New Jersey – Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities- Responsibilities shared between assistant commissioner, Division of Mental Health Services, Dept. of Human Services, $160,000 and assistant commissioner, Division of Developmental Disabilities, Dept. of Human Services, $160,000. New Jersey – Natural Resources – Responsibilities shared between assistant commissioner, Division of State Parks, Dept. of Environmental Protection, $115,937 and assistant commissioner, Division of Fish and Wildlife, Dept. of Environmental Protection, $158,125. New Jersey – Social Services – Responsibilities shared between commissioner, Department of Human Services, $175,000 and commissioner, Department of Children and Families, $175,000. New York – Elections Administration – Responsibilities shared between 2 co-chairs, $25,000 each and 2 commissioners, $25,000 each. New York – Energy – Responsibilities shared between chair – $140,000 (b) and president and CEO, $140,000 (b). New York – Licensing – Responsibilities shared between commissioner, State Education Department, $324,000 and secretary of state, $200,000. New York – Mental Health – Responsibilities shared between commissioner of Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, $220,000 and commissioner of Office of Mental Health, $220,000 . Ohio – Finance – Responsibilities shared between, assistant director, Office of Budget and Management,$148,574 and deputy director, Office of Budget and Management, $139,090. Ohio – Mental Health – Responsibilities shared between director, Dept. of Developmental Disabilities, $154,502 and director, Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services, $174,762. Ohio – Social Services – Responsibilities shared between director, Dept. of Job and Family Services, $176,862; superintendent of public instruction, Dept. of Education, $184,995; executive director, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, $156,832 and director, Dept. of Aging, $156,832. Oklahoma – Public Utility Regulation – Responsibilities shared between three commissioners, $116,713, $114,713 and $114,713, and director of Administration Div., $142,000. Pennsylvania – Fish and Wildlife – Responsibilities shared between executive director (Fish), $163,091 and executive director (Game), $163,091. Pennsylvania – Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities – Responsibilities shared between deputy secretary (mental health) $168,920 and deputy secretary (developmental) $168,920. Rhode Island – Social Services – Responsibilities shared between secretary, Executive Office of Health and Human Services, $191,939 and director, Dept. Human Services, $165,111. South Carolina – Environmental Protection – Responsibilities shared between director, Dept. of Health & Environmental Control, $249,000 and director, Dept. of Natural Resources, $187,000. South Carolina – Health – Responsibilities shared between director, Dept. of Health and Human Services, $275,000 and director, Dept. of Health & Environmental Control, $249,000. South Carolina – Mental Health – Responsibilities shared between director for disabilities and special needs, $168,059 and director of mental health, $272,594. South Dakota – Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities – Responsibilities shared between the Secretary, Dept. of Human Services Developmental Disabilities, $152,944 and the Division Chief, Socia Services Division of Behavioral Health, $134,345 Texas – Elections Administration – Responsibilities shared between secretary of state, $197,415; and division director, Elections Division, $143,208. Virginia – Public Utility Regulation – Functions shared between Energy Regulation, $181,913; Utility and Railroad Safety, $145,237. Wyoming – Mental Health – Responsibilities shared between State Hospital, $134,000 and Life Resource Center, $145,538.” |
(d) | These individuals have voluntarily taken no salary or a reduced salary: Connecticut – Governor Ned Lamont will forego his salary. Indiana – Economic Development, Brad Chambers, no salary paid. Illinois – Governor JB Pritzker will forego his salary.” |
(e) | In Maine, New Hampshire, Tennessee and West Virginia, the presidents (or speakers) of the Senate are next in line of succession to the governorship. In Tennessee and West Virginia, the speaker of the Senate bears the statutory title of lieutenant governor. |
(f) | A number of employees receive a stipend for their length of service to the State (known as a longevity payment). This amount can vary significantly among employees and, depending on state turnover, can show dramatic changes in actual salaries from year-to-year. |
(g) | Solid waste is managed by the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RRIRRC). Although not a department of the state government, RIRRC is a public corporation and a component of the State of Rhode Island for financial reporting purposes. To be financially self-sufficient, the agency earns revenue through the sale of recyclable products, methane gas royalties and fees for it services. |
(h) | Numerous licensing boards. |