Table 3.11
Additional Compensation for Senate Leaders
FIPS | State or other jurisdiction |
Presiding officer | Majority leader | Minority leader | Other leaders and committee chairs |
01 | Alabama | Lt. gov. holds this position. | None. | None. | None. |
02 | Alaska | $500/year. | None. | None. | None. |
04 | Arizona | Leaders are generally approved for additional interim per diem. | Leaders are generally approved for additional interim per diem. | Leaders are generally approved for additional interim per diem. | Leaders are generally approved for additional interim per diem. None for chairs. |
05 | Arkansas | Lt. gov. holds this position. | None. | None. | President pro tem: $5,600/year. Up to $3,600/year additional reimbursement for committee chairs, vice chairs and standing subcommittee chairs. |
06 | California | Lt. gov. holds this position. | None. | None. | None. |
08 | Colorado | All leaders receive $99/day during interim when in attendance at committee or leadership matters. | All leaders receive $99/day during interim when in attendance at committee or leadership matters. | All leaders receive $99/day during interim when in attendance at committee or leadership matters. | All leaders receive $99/day during interim when in attendance at committee or leadership matters. All assigned committee members receive $99/day during interim. |
09 | Connecticut | Lt. gov. holds this position. | $8,835/year. | $8,835/year. | President pro tem: $10,689/year. Deputy majority leaders and deputy minority leaders: $6,446/year. Assistant majority leaders, assistant minority leaders; majority whips and minority whips: $4,241/year. Committee chairs: $4,241/year. |
10 | Delaware | Lt. gov. holds this position. | $12,376/year. | $12,376/year. | President pro tem: $19,983/year. Majority whips and minority whips: $7,794/year. Joint finance chair and vice chair: $11,459/year. Capital improvement chair and vice chair: $4,578/year. |
12 | Florida | $11,484/year. | None. | None. | None. |
13 | Georgia | Lt. gov. holds this position. | $200/month. | $200/month. | President pro tem: $400/month. Floor leaders: $100/month. |
15 | Hawaii | $7,500/year. | None. | None. | None. |
16 | Idaho | $5,000/year. | $2,000/year. | $2,000/year. | None. |
17 | Illinois | $27,477/year. | $20,649/year. | $27,477/year. | Assistant majority leaders, assistant minority leaders, majority caucus chairs and minority caucus chairs: $20,649/year. Committee chairs: $10,327/year. |
18 | Indiana | Lt. gov. holds this position. | $5,500/year for majority floor leader. | $6,000/year minority floor leader. | President pro tem: $7,000/year. Majority caucus chair: $5,500/year. Majority whip: $4,000/year. Minority whip: $2,000/year. Committee Chairs: $1,000/year. |
19 | Iowa | $12,500/year. | $12,500/year. | $12,500/year. | President pro tem: $2,000/year. |
20 | Kansas | $14,039/year. | $12,665/year. | $12,665/year. | Vice president, assistant majority leaders and assistant minority leaders: $7,165/year. Ways and means chair: $11,290/year. |
21 | Kentucky | $47.35/day. | $37.40/day. | $37.40/day. | Majority caucus chairs, minority caucus chairs, majority caucus whips and minority caucus whips: $28.66/day. Committee chairs: $18.71/day. |
22 | Louisiana | $15,200/year. | None. | None. | President pro tem: $7,700/year. Joint budget chair: $15,200/year. |
23 | Maine | 50% of base salary/year. | 25% of base salary/year. | 25% of base salary/year. | Assistant majority and assistant minority leaders: 12.5% of base salary/year. |
24 | Maryland | $15,041/year/ | None. | None. | None. |
25 | Massachusetts | $90,893/year. | $68,170/year. | $68,170/year/ | President pro tem: $56,808/year. Assistant majority leaders and assistant minority leaders: $39,765/year. Ways and means chair: $73,851/year. Division chairs: $34,085/year. Division vice chairs and all other chairs: $17,043/year. All other vice chairs: $5,908/year. |
26 | Michigan | Lt. governor holds this position. | $23,400/year. | $19,800/year. | President pro tem: $4,962/year. Majority floor leader: $10,800/year. Minority floor leader: $9,000/year. Appropriations chair: $6,300/year. |
27 | Minnesota | $4,651/year. | $18,600/year. | $18,600/year. | Deputy leaders: $4,650/year. Finance and tax chair: $4,650/year. |
28 | Mississippi | $5,000/month. | None. | None. | President pro tem: $1,250/month. |
29 | Missouri | Lt. gov. holds this position. | $1,500/year. | $1,500/year. | President pro tem: $2,500/year. |
30 | Montana | $5/day during session. | None. | None. | None. |
31 | Nebraska | Lt. gov. holds this position. | None. | None. | None. |
32 | Nevada | Lt. gov. holds this position. | None. | None. | None. |
33 | New Hampshire | $50/two-year term. | None. | None. | None. |
34 | New Jersey | $16,333/year. | None. | None. | None. |
35 | New Mexico | Lt. gov. holds this position. | None. | None. | None. |
36 | New York | $41,5000/year. | None. | $34,500/year. | Deputy Majority Leader: $34,000/year. Deputy Minority Leader: $20,500/year. Finance committee chair: $34,000/year. Finance committee ranking member: $20,500/year. |
37 | North Carolina | Lt. gov. holds this position. | $3,097/year. | $3,097/year. | President pro tem: $24,200/year. Deputy president pro tem: $7,788/year. |
38 | North Dakota | Lt. gov. holds this position. | $15/day during legislative session. | $15/day during legislative session. | Assistant leaders: $10/day during session. Standing committee chairs: $10/day. |
39 | Ohio | $37, 714/year. | None. | $28,499/year. | President pro tem: $28,499/year. Assistant president pro tem: $22,296/year. Majority whip: $17,363/year. Assistant minority leader: $20,147/year. Minority whip: $11,797/year. Assistant minority whip: $3,116/year. Finance chair: $13,500/year. Finance ranking minority member, finance committee standing subcommittee chair and all other standing committee chairs: $9,000/year. Finance vice chair: $7,500/year. Finance standing subcommittee ranking minority member, all vice chairs, all ranking minority members and all standing subcommittee chairs: $6,750/year. Standing subcommittee ranking minority members: $3,250/year. |
40 | Oklahoma | $17,932/year. | $12,364/year. | $12,364/year. | Assistant majority leader: $12,364/year. Appropriations chair: $12,364/year. |
41 | Oregon | $2,736/month. | None. | None. | None. |
42 | Pennsylvania | Lt. gov. holds this position. | $39,775/year. | $39,775/year. | President pro tem: $49,716.10/year. Majority whips and minority whips: $30,185.99/year. Majority caucus chair and minority caucus chair: $18,821.23/year. Majority caucus secretaries, minority caucus secretaries, majority policy chairs, minority policy chairs, majority caucus administrators and minority caucus administrators: $12,429.97/year. |
44 | Rhode Island | $16,635.74/year. | None. | None. | None. |
45 | South Carolina | $11,000/year. | None. | None. | Committee chairs: $600/year. |
46 | South Dakota | Lt. gov. holds this position. | None. | None. | None. |
47 | Tennessee | None. | None. | None. | None. |
48 | Texas | None. | None. | None. | None. |
49 | Utah | $5,000/year. | $4,000/year. | $4,000/year. | Majority whips, minority whips, assistant majority whips and assistant minority whips: $3,000/year. Appropriations chair: $3,000/year. |
50 | Vermont | Lt. gov. holds this position. | None. | None. | President pro tem: $822.36/biweekly, plus $12,714.52/year. |
51 | Virginia | Lt. governor holds this position. | None. | None. | None. |
53 | Washington | Lt. gov. holds this position. | $8,000/year. | $4,000/year. | None. |
54 | West Virginia | $150/day during session. | $50/day during session. | $50/day during session. | Up to six additional persons named by presiding officer: $150/day (up to 30 days). Finance and judiciary chairs: $150/day (up to 30 days). |
55 | Wisconsin | None. | None. | None. | None. |
56 | Wyoming | $3/day and $918/month. | $600/month. | $600/month. | Committee Chairs: $600/month. |